Please press the following button to log in to EDAS to finish your final paper submission
In case if you cannot find the final manuscript submission entry, please click here.
Your final paper must be formatted using the guidelines given in the Sample Final Paper Template for IEEE conference papers. Some important points are as follows:
- Please use the template provided to prepare the final camera-ready manuscript. (More details can be found by the end of this page).
- All final submitted manuscripts are to be written in proper English and follow IEEE format for conference papers.
- The final manuscript must not exceed 6 pages.
- Only PDF files will be accepted for the final manuscript.
- Do not number pages nor use other footnotes.
Please follow the procedures below to submit your final manuscript and register at the IEEE RFID-TA 2018 Conference.
Prepare and upload the Camera-ready version of your paper:
Step 1: Revise your paper accordingly.
Step 2: Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check if your paper is Xplore compatible.
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress TM site (
For first-time users, please do the following:
- Select the New Users – Click Here link.
- Enter the following: (i) 43876XP for the Conference ID; (ii) your email address; (iii)a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted. An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
- Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- Validate your paper
- For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”.
- Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)
- Click “Submit PDF for Checking” or “Submit Source Files for Conversion”
- Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click “Upload File”. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
- You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached.
Step 3: Register to the Conference
Step 4. Download, fill in and sign the IEEE copyright form
Step 5: Upload the completed signed IEEE copyright from and camera-ready pdf file which has been checked using IEEE eXpress in Step 2.
Templates for IEEE RFID-TA 2018 Final Manuscript Preparation:
The IEEE RFID-TA 2018 final manuscript are to be prepared using IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings, with the following remarks:
The appropriate copyright clearance code notice is to appear on the bottom of the first page of each paper according to the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging/Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding. Detailed instructions can be found at:
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-5386-5057-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-5386-5057-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is*: 978-1-5386-5057-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
You may also download the template provided by us below for papers in which authors are not employed by the US government, a Crown government or European Union.
Microsoft Word
For Latex users, you may download the Latex template from IEEE Manuscript Templates page, and make the following modifications:
- Add the command below right after \documentclass[]
- \IEEEpubid{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\vspace{+1.4cm}\
978-1-5386-5057-8/18/\$31.00 \copyright 2018 IEEE
Steps to Final Manuscript Submission Entry
Please kindly follow the steps below for the entry to final manuscript submission of IEEE RFID-TA 2018.
* Note that final manuscript upload entry is available only when at least one author has completed a full registration.
Step 1: Log into our edas submission system
Step 2: Select “My Papers” from the top menu

Step 3: Click on the cloud under the “final manuscript” column of your corresponding paper row.